I didn't get to see much at Pridefest this weekend, I was pretty work focused. But after we set up our tent, we were able to wander over and watch part of the parade. I've been at Pride, often two or three, every year since 2002. But usually working, rarely able to watch the parade or wander about. I think this may have been the first time I saw PFLAG marching by. It's certainly the first time I remember seeing it. The crowd began to clap and cheer and holler with massive enthusiasm. All I could do was stand there and try not to cry. I think it was the "I love my gay son." sign. Or maybe it was "Keeping families together." Probably it was all of it together. But it was beautiful to see so many families standing up to say they love their children. Period. Just the way they are. I know my parents love me, but the queer part of me is not something they can accept. They have each tried, in their own way. My dad and I can joke about it now, a clear sign we are in a better place, 10 years later. My mom came to my wedding when my now ex-wife and I tied the knot. But it's not comfortable and it scares them.
I know I'm not alone. Many of us wish our families could look beyond the gender of our partner, or our own fluidity. Things are changing, albeit slowly, and they will continue to improve. 50 years from now we will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about. But, just for now, when PFLAG walks by, I'm going to cheer.