Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Share Your New Year's Intentions with Boulder Pride

As we kick off a new year and decade, many of us will make New Year's Resolutions. In my house, we call them 'Intentions' instead. Intentions lend themselves to being more affirmative and fluid; 'resolution' can sound punitive and rigid...like something is wrong that needs to be fixed.

Regardless of what you call them, research has shown that when we share our New Year's Resolutions/Intentions with others, we are more likely to attain them. Some of the most popular resolutions include (and not in any particular order):

  1. Eat better/exercise more
  2. Spend more time with friends and family
  3. Quit smoking
  4. Get out of debt / save money
  5. Learn a new skill
  6. Help others
  7. Get organized
  8. Become more involved in community
  9. Reduce stress and more.
A few of my 2009 intentions that I realized include making homemade beer, eating 80% of my meals at home, engaging in a creative activity (writing, photography, baking, etc) at least once a week, riding the bus and walking/riding my bike to work at least 3 times a week and teaching as adjunct faculty at the University of Denver. Of of my intentions I did not achieve for 2009 is hiking a fourteener - this goal moves to the top of my 2010 list. For 2010, I also plan to have a few chickens and maybe a goat, buy 80% of my stuff at thrift stores and _____ (I'm still working on my list :) ).

How about you? What do you plan to do in 2010?

Please send your New Year's Resolution/Intention to cathy. The more specific your intention, the better.

In January, we will compile the list of our community's New Year's Resolutions/Intentions and include them in our e-lert, as way to inspire ourselves and each other to achieve our individual goals and build a strong LGBTQ and Allied Community in Boulder County.

In your email to cathy, please let me know if it is ok to publish your first name along with your Intention/Resolution.

Here's to a 2010 full of peace, joy and abundance!

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