Friday, August 15, 2008

Marriage in the News

Predictably, the recent California decision has people talking about marriage all over the place. We've all witnessed the absolute lack of apocalyptic consequences experienced in Massachusetts since they began to legally recognize same-sex marriages in their state. California has been teasing us for awhile, with the state legislature legalizing marriage recognition and then being vetoed by the governor. I hope the people of California let it stand this time. It's going to be a long road and having a few positive steps is a nice change!

I like the Canadian video campaign, launched in 2006 to promote marriage equality:

When I first came out, a family member said they could possibly understand but they would never support gay marriage. Why, I asked. Because then everyone would do it. Really, would you, I responded. This, of course, ended the conversation. That's not a question people want to answer, which is wise, either way they answer proves them wrong or closeted!

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