Monday, August 24, 2009

The right to what?

It's funny because my passion for my work is about equality and fairness, so in a lot of ways that is what I am fighting for. Queer rights. Equal rights. And yet ... love isn't a right. It's rarely equal. And it's almost never fair. We don't have the right to love someone or be loved. We have (hopefully) the opportunity. My partner and I went and saw 500 Days of Summer. My friend is a movie reviewer and he rarely gives movies an "A" so I felt compelled. The story is a familiar one, what happens when you are more into someone than they are into you? It happens in love, in friendship, in business ... and it almost always stinks. But we keep trying and reaching, even when it doesn't quite work out the way we hoped. Primarily because fair is over-rated when it means we will miss out on something amazing.

I truly believe love is a gift we give ourselves (I know, sappy). The chance to become something more by reaching out beyond the confines of our own reality and experiences. The motivation to care more about other people's experiences and needs than our own. So I am fighting for our right to be equally involved in loving relationships --- whether they are equal or fair -- and have our gifts honored, whatever the gender of the person with whom we share them.

1 comment:

Kj said...

Right on, A. :) Be well this week.