Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SpeakingOUT training, TONIGHT!

We are holding our first fall training for SpeakingOUT tonight. I hope you will consider joining us and being part of our program.

Yesterday, I went to a local middle school to speak with a classroom of 8th graders, as part of SpeakingOUT. More than 2/3rds of the students in the classroom indicated they would change their behaviour because of the stories they heard. One of the students in the class bravely spoke up, hand shaking, to talk about her two moms. Another student wanted to know how to be ally.

SpeakingOUT is a way to make a difference in the community, one person at a time, and can take as little as an hour once or twice a year. Your story could be the one a student needs to hear to feel the strength to go on. It could be the reason a student changes the way they treat a fellow student.

I hope you will join us tonight at the First United Methodist Church at Spruce and 14th from 6-8pm.

If you can't be part of the program by speaking, even a $5 donation can help us keep this program strong!

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