Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Plans for Easter? I won't ask, don't tell...

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is working on ending the ever so popular "Don't Ask Don't Tell" military ban and has a plan to contact your federally appointed lawmakers and ask them to repeal the ban  over the Easter break. Like marriage, military service is a difficult issue in the queer community. There are entire voting blocks of queers that really don't want to serve in the military and have strong issues with what our military has been doing in our name. I might be one of them ...

But that said, for those of our queer community members that feel a strong desire to serve our country in this way, they should have the choice of doing so as whole people. Their wives and husbands should have equal access to the support services the military provides to its people. Their families should be recognized for the support and sacrifices they make. It is criminal to ask someone to serve and then not acknowledge the cost that has on their loved ones.

So, help the SLDN out. Or at least pass it on.

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