Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Share Your New Year's Intentions with Boulder Pride

As we kick off a new year and decade, many of us will make New Year's Resolutions. In my house, we call them 'Intentions' instead. Intentions lend themselves to being more affirmative and fluid; 'resolution' can sound punitive and rigid...like something is wrong that needs to be fixed.

Regardless of what you call them, research has shown that when we share our New Year's Resolutions/Intentions with others, we are more likely to attain them. Some of the most popular resolutions include (and not in any particular order):

  1. Eat better/exercise more
  2. Spend more time with friends and family
  3. Quit smoking
  4. Get out of debt / save money
  5. Learn a new skill
  6. Help others
  7. Get organized
  8. Become more involved in community
  9. Reduce stress and more.
A few of my 2009 intentions that I realized include making homemade beer, eating 80% of my meals at home, engaging in a creative activity (writing, photography, baking, etc) at least once a week, riding the bus and walking/riding my bike to work at least 3 times a week and teaching as adjunct faculty at the University of Denver. Of of my intentions I did not achieve for 2009 is hiking a fourteener - this goal moves to the top of my 2010 list. For 2010, I also plan to have a few chickens and maybe a goat, buy 80% of my stuff at thrift stores and _____ (I'm still working on my list :) ).

How about you? What do you plan to do in 2010?

Please send your New Year's Resolution/Intention to cathy. The more specific your intention, the better.

In January, we will compile the list of our community's New Year's Resolutions/Intentions and include them in our e-lert, as way to inspire ourselves and each other to achieve our individual goals and build a strong LGBTQ and Allied Community in Boulder County.

In your email to cathy, please let me know if it is ok to publish your first name along with your Intention/Resolution.

Here's to a 2010 full of peace, joy and abundance!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Sometimes the holidays feel like a tidal wave or a fire. Hope you are finding peace and connection in the midst of the rush.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"We have nothing to fear from love and commitment."

Marriage is on the brain and in the news, again, with the New York state senate voting against marriage equality yesterday. Since New York is a state where referendum would not be able to overturn the vote, it is a bit of a blow. However, in the grander scheme of inspiration and hope, New York Senator Diane Savino, made remarks that were beyond moving.

"We in government don't determine the quality or the validity of people's relationships. If we did, we would not issue three-quarters of the marriage licenses that we do. If there's any threat to the sanctity of marriage in America, it comes from those of us who have the privilege and the right -- and we have abused it for decades."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009