Monday, March 9, 2009

Transgender connection.

This American Life recently had a short segment on two girls, born in male bodies, who met at a conference in Seattle. The summary below is posted on their website, but you can also stream the audio and hear the story for yourself. It seems a bit amazing, and slightly hopeful, that the conversations around our transgender community are starting to be full of hope. I envision a world where are stories are seen as simply one more aspect of the human experience, rather than something set apart and different. Until then, it's nice to see stories like this.
Act Two. Tom Girls.

Lilly and Thomasina have a lot in common. They’re both 8 years old. And they were both born boys, although it became clear pretty early on that they'd prefer to be girls. There aren’t all that many kids in the world like them, but recently, at a conference in Seattle on transgender parenting, they met. And they immediately hit it off. They could talk about things with each other that they'd never been able to share with other friends back home. And that’s comforting, even if they never see each other after the conference ends. Producer Mary Beth Kirchner tells the story, with production help from Rebecca Weiker. (17 minutes)

Song: "Somewhere Out There," The soundtrack to "American Tail"

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