Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day.

"If it's not one thing, it's your mother." ~~ Throw Pillow Quote
My kids have three mothers -- me, my ex-wife, and her life partner. My closest friend and I have also dubbed each other "extra moms" to our kids. So mothers day gets a little busy. Sometimes it feels a bit like a race to get to talk to everyone (including all the grandmothers). 
I really don't think you can have too many mothers in your life. Especially when moms have such an incredible standard to meet. They have to be wise and nurturing and able to make halloween costumes and dinner. They also have to know when to say no and when to not notice that the chores aren't done. They have to be available and supportive whenever we want them to be and leave us alone the rest of the time. They have to help when we can't do it ourselves and don't know how to ask. And let us do it on our own when we want to or need to. 
I love being mom to my kids, but I also really love that I have back-up! Hopefully their needs will be met by another mom with a little more strength in the areas where I falter. And, at the end of the day, they have several adults who love them and will be there for them in times of need and celebration. 
Happy Mother's Day. For all of who have children in your life, whatever the familial configuration, they are better for the love you give them.